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Good Time To Buy a Home!

The Housing Opportunities and Market Experience (HOME) report was created to monitor consumer sentiment about the housing market. It covers core topics that will be tracked on a monthly basis such as views on housing as a good financial investment, whether homeownership is part of the American Dream, if now is a good time to buy or sell a home and perception of home price changes.


  • In the first quarter of 2017, 72 percent of people believe that now is a good time to buy a home. Forty-seven percent believe that strongly, up from 45 percent in Q4 2016 and 44 percent one year ago in Q1 2016.

  • Sixty-nine percent of people believe that now is a good time to sell a home, up from 62 percent in Q4 2016 and 56 percent from one year ago in Q1 2016.

  • Sixty percent of people believe that within their communities prices have gone up in the last 12 months, which increased from 55 percent in Q4 2016 and 50 percent one year ago in Q1 2016.

This HOME survey is released on a quarterly basis by the National Association of REALTORS.


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